4 Professionals That Add Value to Your Real Estate Business


Real estate agents do the job of 10 different people in order to get a home sold. They are masterful salespeople, expert negotiators, and have abounding real estate knowledge. From meeting clients until closing on a home, realtors use a multitude of skills. However, they don’t have to run their business alone. The most successful real estate agents recognize that the job can be done more efficiently with the assistance of other industry professionals. Consider using these 4 professionals to add value to your real estate business.

Professional Stager

Every real estate agent should hire a professional stager to come into each home that is listed on the market. A stager comes out and walks through the home with your client and identifies changes to make the home market ready. Their invaluable expertise will make listed homes show well, decrease the amount of time on the market and yield higher offers. Another benefit of hiring a professional stager is that it will set apart your real estate business. Potential clients may choose to work with you because of this additional service you will provide them at no cost.

Marketing Assistant

Every real estate agent should consider hiring a marketing professional to increase their sales volume. A marketing assistant will save you hours of time each week while adding tremendous value to your real estate business.

Look for a marketing assistant who:

  • has the knowledge to maximize your business presence through both traditional and virtual channels.
  • can build an online presence for your business.
  • Is adept at social media marketing and uses strategies to increase your visibility online.

Real Estate Transaction Coordinator

A real estate transaction coordinator is an asset to any real estate business. Transaction coordinators are the industry experts handle all of the paperwork and deadlines on homes under contract. They will save you hours of time by making phone calls and scheduling appointments. Most importantly, they can help to assure that each deal makes it to closing with as few obstacles as possible.

Inside Sales Agent

An inside sales agent is the real estate professional that all agents should hire. Out of all the professionals, an inside sales agent will add the biggest value to your business.

Benefits of Hiring an Inside Sales Agent:

  • Their sales approach will help you to retain your internet leads
  • Inside sales agents follow up with new inquiring within 5 minutes. This quick response time secures new clients, instead of letting your competition gain their business.
  • Inside sales agents will follow up with clients until they are ready to buy or sell. You will not lose their business because of the lack of follow up. 
  • An inside sales agent will save you hours of time with each individual client they work with. This allows you to focus your time and efforts elsewhere.

Each one of these professionals has their own unique talents and perspectives to bring into the real estate transaction. They will save you time and even increase your income with their expertise. Make the commitment to invest in your business and you will reap the rewards of a lucrative real estate business.  

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