Creative Ways to Revive Cold Leads


Getting new leads isn’t the only way to grow sales. There are success stories waiting for you in that pile of “old” leads, and a multitude of reasons to keep old leads active. Even if a lead hasn’t responded to your previous outreach, they may still be interested in your product or service. By reviving them, you can build a relationship and get on their radar for future opportunities. Here are some creative ways to revive with cold leads and stay top-of-mind with potential customers:

  • Let sales take a back seat. Don’t start a call to an old lead by just rattling off your sales pitch. Take time to get to know the person you’re talking to and build a rapport with them. This will make them more likely to listen to what you have to say.

  • Tailor your pitch. Learn about the company you’re calling and the person you’re speaking to before you pick up the phone. Then when the sales pitch begins, you will have some additional insight that could make it more relevant.

  • Keep it light and make them laugh. A great way to break the ice and make a positive impression on someone you’re getting to know is to use humor. As long as it’s appropriate for the situation and that you don’t overdo it, it can put your contact at ease and make them feel more comfortable taking your calls.

  • People love stories. Tall or short, entertaining tales are a great way to get listeners interested in what you have to say. So, when you’re approaching a cold lead, try telling them a quick story about how your product or service has helped someone else.

  • Ask for help. Sometimes the best way to get someone’s attention is to ask for their help. It shows that you’re not just trying to sell them something, but that you actually value their input. Don’t request a big favor but ask for their feedback on your product or service, or even the name of someone in their organization who may have more need or interest in what you can offer.

  • Offer something of value. A great way to rekindle a relationship is to offer and old lead something of new value, like a free consultation, a white paper, or a discount. This will show them that you’re interested in helping them, not just selling them something.

  • Send a handwritten note. A personal touch shows you’ve taken the time to think about the person you’re contacting, and it’s a great way to make a good impression.

  • Send a gift. A small gift, like a coffee mug or a gift certificate is another great way to get the recipient thinking about your product or service. Then, call to see whether they liked the gift. Subsequent calls will be more likely to be answered.

  • Follow up regularly. Don’t just reach out once and forget about your contacts. Keep in touch on a regular basis, without being a pest. The more persistent you are, the more likely you are to eventually close the deal.

  • Be yourself. If you try to be someone you’re not, they’ll be able to tell. So, just relax, be yourself, and let your personality shine through.

Calling on cold leads is a necessary evil for any sales team. But it doesn’t have to be ineffective. Be creative in your approach and you can turn forgotten prospects into first-rate customers.

Cold-calling potential customers is a necessary evil for any sales team. But it doesn’t have to be ineffective. Have you heard about our Revive program? We’ve designed an industry-leading program that will REVIVE your old leads with an unmatched follow-up system. Write us for more information.

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